Starting from a small board workshop, at SPOUNTIN we often felt that there was no adecuate clothing that would be stylish at the same time. Or maybe we found functional products that we as boarders could not identify with. So we started to make some basic jackets and tees, that would combine style and function, which we, and lateron our boarders, would identify themselves with. The response was bigger than we expected, so we started asking some professsionals to help us develop an own line of outerwear and accessories (and soon after: Our first collection) of SPOUNTIN wear&accessories.
Thus from the very beginning, the clear target for SPOUNTIN was to create products without compromize in performance neither in style. Performance wear that users would chose for its fashion, look, handfeel, confort, to find then that SPOUNTIN is so much more than fashion and style: Functionality. Function wear that users would love for its confort and style.
To achieve this goal, an internacional team of product specialists give their input and work together to develop product by product during many hours, trials and errors, to finally achieve what we are looking for with each ítem you can find in our collections. All of our products are developed from the very first stage: let it be fabrics, accesorries, zippers, patterns: At SPOUNTIN one of our key tasks is to research trends and latest technical developments, to then start our own and in-house development to refine what is available. Thus, a lot of materials are specially made by us, to achieve this goal of “MAXIMUM COMFORT, STYLE & FUNCTIONALITY in perfect harmony between each of these aspects ”.
This is our goal until this day with each product we develop and make as part of our SPOUNTIN product range.
We are proud that, starting in a small workshop, our products are now made and like by many people worldwide, and that our brand has evolved from a board- into a lifestyle brand.
  • Copyright © 2017 SPOUNTIN All Rights Reserved. DESIGNED BY:SEATEC